5 Tips to Keep You Cool During the Dog Days of Summer

Summer’s here, but while the temperature is rising, your energy costs don’t have to. Here are a few tips to help you keep your cool and your energy costs in check.
1. Keep the Heat Out
- Improve insulation between your attic and roof.
- If you are upgrading your windows, consider ENERGY STAR-certified windows.
- Use your window coverings, add new ones, or adjust blinds to keep the sun out.
- The right roof can do a lot to keep the heat out. Consider ENERGY STAR-certified roof products.
2. Keep the Cool In
- Seal and insulate the cooling system ducts in your attic.
- Find air leaks around your house and seal them with spray foam, caulk, and weather-stripping. Sealing and insulating your home can save you up to $200 in annual utility bills.
3. Maintain Your Cooling System
- Schedule a summer cooling system tune up.
- Change your air filter every three months.
- Use a programmable thermostat. Set it seven degrees higher when you’re away and four degrees higher when you’re asleep to save about $180.
4. Be a Fan of Fans
- Use an ENERGY STAR-certified ceiling fan and raise your thermostat two degrees. It’ll lower cooling costs by 14%.
- Use an ENERGY STAR-certified vent fan after a shower to reduce humidity.
5. Look for the ENERGY STAR logo
- If your central air conditioning unit is more than 12 years old, replacing it with a model that has earned the ENERGY STAR could cut your cooling costs by 30%.
- Replace those old, hot incandescent light bulbs with much cooler ENERGY STAR-certified light bulbs.
Turn to the experts. Contact your local HVAC contractor today.
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Excerpted from EnergyStar.gov.
Learn more at www.energystar.gov/cooling.